Board game
Spanish "Roll the Dice"

Cards TEMPLATE (BACK).pdf (51154)
Roll the dice TEMPLATE.pdf (104793)
Roll the dice Rules English.pdf (57787)
Roll the dice Rules portada.pdf (161736)
Roll the dice Mallorca 1.pdf (113946)
Roll the dice Mallorca 2.pdf (117240)
Roll the dice Mallorca 3.pdf (169265)
Roll the dice Mallorca 4.pdf (171320)
Roll the dice TEMPLATE.pdf (104793)
Roll the dice Rules English.pdf (57787)
Roll the dice Rules portada.pdf (161736)
Roll the dice Mallorca 1.pdf (113946)
Roll the dice Mallorca 2.pdf (117240)
Roll the dice Mallorca 3.pdf (169265)
Roll the dice Mallorca 4.pdf (171320)
Romanian "No Offense Brother"

Discover Poland is the Polish boardgame created ofor this project.
Roll the Dice in our school.pdf (145599)
RULES OF THE GAME discover poland.pdf (155729)
What do you know about Poland.pdf (153516)
RULES OF THE GAME discover poland.pdf (152,1 kB)
RULES OF THE GAME discover poland.pdf (155729)
What do you know about Poland.pdf (153516)
RULES OF THE GAME discover poland.pdf (152,1 kB)
Turkish "3 in a row" and "Reversi"

Portuguese "3 in a Row"
Three in a row is a table game played all around the world, but our Portuguese friends give us this especial one. The counters are two typical things in their country. The towers represent all the walls in those Portuguese cities, especially the Tower of Guimeraes. And the hearts represent the ‘Coraçao de Viana’, a symbol of the city of Viana. Students playing with their self-made boards!

Roda+ is the boardgame created by our Portuguese partners. You can download all the materials here:
00_logo nas fichas.pdf (22398)
01_Historia_2Ciclo.pdf (41510)
02_Mímica.pdf (23897)
03_Inglês.pdf (35295)
04_Língua Portuguesa.pdf (32698)
05_Geografia.pdf (34054)
06_Desenho.pdf (19411)
áreas e perímetros.pdf (665969)
equações.pdf (64759)
FórmulasPropriedades.pdf (56739)
geometria.pdf (58288)
Perguntasdiretas.pdf (65962)
01_Historia_2Ciclo.pdf (41510)
02_Mímica.pdf (23897)
03_Inglês.pdf (35295)
04_Língua Portuguesa.pdf (32698)
05_Geografia.pdf (34054)
06_Desenho.pdf (19411)
áreas e perímetros.pdf (665969)
equações.pdf (64759)
FórmulasPropriedades.pdf (56739)
geometria.pdf (58288)
Perguntasdiretas.pdf (65962)
Here you have some information about our board game activity.